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PARIS (AP) — The prosecutor for Paris opened an investigation Tuesday into accusations of incestuous sexual abuse involving a prominent French political expert, Olivier Duhamel.

Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz announced the investigation into alleged 'rapes and sexual abuses by a person exercising authority' over a child following public accusations made against Duhamel.

A book written by Duhamel's stepdaughter, Camille Kouchner, accused him of abusing her twin brother during the late 1980s, when the siblings were 13-years-old. Excerpts from the book, set to come out later this week, were published Monday by French newspaper Le Monde and L'Obs magazine.


Duhamel said on Twitter that he was 'the target of personal attacks' and stepping down from his professional positions, including as head of National Foundation of Political Sciences. The foundation manages the prestigious Sciences Po university in Paris.

Duhamel was also a political analyst on French television channel LCI and he presented a show on Europe 1 radio, making him well-known to the French public.

Kouchner said her brother told her about the alleged sexual abuse when they were 14. In her book, she said they had spoken about it at the end of the 2000s with their older brother, their mother and other family members and friends.

'I confirm that what my sister has written concerning the actions of Olivier Duhamel towards me is correct,' her brother told Le Monde.

The scandal echoes in France the publication one year ago of a book by French publisher Vanessa Springora, about her abusive relationship as a teenager with a writer in his 50s, Gabriel Matzneff.

Matzneff, an award-winning French author now in his 80s, celebrated pedophilia in his work but only experienced legal and professional repercussions in the #MeToo era. An investigation into whether he raped a minor decades ago was opened last year.

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Duhamel said on Twitter that he was 'the target of personal attacks' and stepping down from his professional positions, including as head of National Foundation of Political Sciences. The foundation manages the prestigious Sciences Po university in Paris.

Duhamel was also a political analyst on French television channel LCI and he presented a show on Europe 1 radio, making him well-known to the French public.

Kouchner said her brother told her about the alleged sexual abuse when they were 14. In her book, she said they had spoken about it at the end of the 2000s with their older brother, their mother and other family members and friends.

'I confirm that what my sister has written concerning the actions of Olivier Duhamel towards me is correct,' her brother told Le Monde.

The scandal echoes in France the publication one year ago of a book by French publisher Vanessa Springora, about her abusive relationship as a teenager with a writer in his 50s, Gabriel Matzneff.

Matzneff, an award-winning French author now in his 80s, celebrated pedophilia in his work but only experienced legal and professional repercussions in the #MeToo era. An investigation into whether he raped a minor decades ago was opened last year.

Archive Expert 5 1080p

My 13 year old daughter started getting white itchy lumps on her fingers knuckles and hands with turned red and led to terrible scaring. The doctor had not seen anything like them. With in a month she had terrible allergy symptoms, hives(big) and wee itchy spots and swollen feet, hands and eyes. Doctor sent her to skin speciallist 2 weeks later we find out she may have some sort of arthritis or Lupus due to positive ANA. Week later she devlopes photosensitivity. 2 weeks later we are waiting to see a specialist to find out if there is any more damage and work out what she may have. I think that doctor said she had the double-stranded DNA without the andibody. I know it is not much to go on at the moment but I just want some possibiliies of what it could be so the outcome will not be so daunting.

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